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What documents should a foreign spouse applying for ROC naturalization provide?

A. According to the Nationality Act, a foreign national who applies for ROC naturalization should provide proofs that he or she possesses sufficient property or professional skills sufficient to enable him/her to be self-reliant. According to Article 7 of the Enforcement Rules of the Nationality Act, the proof means:
(A) A person who applies for naturalization due to marriage to an ROC citizen shall prepare one of the following documents recognized by the Ministry of the Interior (MOI):
1. Proof of domestic income, tax payment, personal property, or real estate ownership in the territory of the ROC.
2. Proof of employment by the employer or self-writing documentation of the applicant’s job content and income.
3. Certificate of a specific professional, and technical skill certificate or document of technical assessment issued by a competent authority of the government.
4. Other documents that can prove the applicant is able to be self-reliant.
(B) A person who applies for naturalization under circumstances other than those prescribed in the preceding Subparagraph shall conform to at least one of the following provisions:
1. Earn an average monthly income within the ROC over the past year more than double the basic wage as promulgated by the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan.
2. Own personal or real property, worth more than NT$ 5 million.
3. Possess a specific professional / technical skill certificate or document of technical assessment issued by a competent authority of the government.
4. Serve as a skilled employee in demand by high-tech industries in the ROC as prescribed in Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 3 of Article 25 of the Immigration Act, and thus is granted permission to reside permanently in the ROC.
5. Meet other requirements as recognized by the MOI.
B. Documents referred in Item 1 of Subparagraph 1 and Item 2, Item 4 of Subparagraph 2 of the preceding Paragraph shall include the applicant and his/her related personnel as follows who has household registration in the ROC but do not receive living subsidies:
(A) His/her spouse.
(B) Parent(s) of his/her spouse.
(C) His/her parent(s).
C. The calculation of the amount listed in Item 1, Item 2 of Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1 shall include the income or property of the applicant and his/her related personnel as follows who has household registration in the ROC:
(A) His/her spouse.
(B) Parent(s) of his/her spouse.
(C) His/her parent(s).
D. The specific professional / technical skill certificate or document of technical assessment issued by a competent authority of the government as stated in Item 3 of Subparagraph 1, and Item 3 of Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1 shall include the applicant and related person who has household registration in the ROC as follows:
(A) His/her spouse.
(B) Parent(s) of his/her spouse.
(C) His/her parent(s).
E. As for any of the aforementioned persons who possess a specific professional / technical skill certificate or document of technical assessment issued by a competent authority of the government as stated in Item 3 of Subparagraph 1 and Item 3 of Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1 shall also present a certificate of security which can secure the applicant’s living needs in the ROC.
  • Data update: 2018-11-06
  • Publish Date: 2015-11-17
  • Source: Civil Affairs Bureau
  • Hit Count: 642